To begin I need to caveat that these are all perfectly acceptable things that people are doing to communicate with me, and if you feel seen, I am sorry, this is a me not you thing. But, for someone who works in a world of communication, (I saw a funny meme this week that said - ‘A Game Show, Where Our Parents Explain What We Do for A Living’ - and mine would say, just talking to people all day), I do have a fair few things that bother me. So here goes:
Message me to say, ‘can we talk?’ but, without any further context. Just call me, and we can speak right then and there, sparing me the anticipation and build-up of what you want to speak to me about. It feels like it’s not going to be good news, because it never usually is when someone messages, requesting to speak with that level of ambiguity.
When I join a video call and somebody asks me, ‘how’s the weather down where you are?’ I understand you’re just trying to build rapport and I’m all for it. But can we please speak about a different topic to get to know one-another on a more meaningful/random/fun/interesting/anything level?
Booking in a call with me for something that could be an email. That’s it. If you can say it short and sweet and ping it over on a message, please do.
Sending me long emails that should be a call. When I have to keep scrolling and scrolling down my laptop to finish your email. And then, because I can’t remember what you said at the beginning and middle by the time I get to the end, I must copy and paste and delete to reply to each point, this signals to me, this probably should have been a phone call.
When people ask how you are, replying with ‘busy’. We’re all busy, but I’m never too busy for you, in that moment, which is exactly why we’re in conversation. So, I’ll always try and shrug off busyness with other phrases, like, ‘we have lots of exciting projects on’, or ‘yes lots to do, but it’s all great stuff’. Anything with a slightly more positive spin on the chaos. Because busy means good, flourishing, exciting, and I definitely don’t want to experience the opposite of busy in either business.
I’d love to know that I’m not the only one who’s a little unreasonable about certain things. And maybe this is a bit like absolution for this unreasonable behaviour, by confessing these to you here, right now.